FileMaker Go does not support the Floating Document and Dialog window style options.At most, one document window combined with one card window can be displayed in a single FileMaker WebDirect session. FileMaker WebDirect supports the Document and Card window style options.To change the current (active) virtual window, use the Select Window script step. Inactive virtual windows remain open, but in FileMaker WebDirect, they are not visible. In FileMaker WebDirect, the FileMaker Data API, and Custom Web Publishing, this script step opens a new virtual window.You can use a script or button script step to control a window, even if window controls are disabled in the window’s title bar.When you disable both the maximize and minimize buttons, these buttons do not appear in the window’s title bar.See Working with windows and About window styles.

When no value is entered, FileMaker Pro uses the default value associated with the Window menu > New Window command. It is not necessary to enter values for each option. This script step creates a new document window, floating document window, dialog window, or card. Toolbars shows the FileMaker Pro status toolbar and the FileMaker Go toolbar and editing toolbar.This option is not supported in macOS or when the active window is a card.

You can choose one of the following window styles: