
Download the yakuza remastered collection ps4
Download the yakuza remastered collection ps4

It's nice that some of the combat mechanics vary between each game, but the fighting sequences become so repetitive and predictable after playing a few entries. Yakuza 0 was what got me into the series, whist Kiwami 1 and 2 built upon this massively, so Yakuza 3 and 4 are more like a massive backwards step when you play the games in order. While it's nice to have the entire Yakuza saga on PS4, this remastered collection has the unfortunate place of being an inferior collection While it's nice to have the entire Yakuza saga on PS4, this remastered collection has the unfortunate place of being an inferior collection sandwiched between some very good games. I did not want to roam around the city and go to a karaoke bar out of nowhere. Side content was not as fun as it was in the other games.

download the yakuza remastered collection ps4

Apart from these, I really loved the new characters and the voice acting. For this to actually happen, the main character should be extremely stupid, which does not fit Kiryu's character at all. It was also very repetitive and predictable. It really killed off the realism of the game. I hated seeing this in every single game. Every single game in this collection had the cliche where the main character drops their weapon and their guard, tending to a friend, and suddenly the enemy gains consciousness, gets the weapon, and kills the newly introduced character. This occurred in many other points within the game as well. It was actually very unbalanced and stale gameplay.

download the yakuza remastered collection ps4

It wasn't "challenging" difficult in a fun way.

download the yakuza remastered collection ps4

One of the end-game boss battles was extremely stupid as well. It was extremely unnecessarily difficult and I had to try around 30 times to get it right.

download the yakuza remastered collection ps4

When the fetch mechanic was first introduced, where you have to catch someone in a minigame when they are trying to get away from you, I literally almost had tantrums. Some missions were very unbalanced and boring. Some arcs were unnecessarily long without adding anything to the story. However, the gameplay and story presentation was not too fun for me. Akiyama was such a good addition to the game, I really liked him. I loved the characters, I loved how there were different playable characters. This review contains spoilers, click expand to view.

Download the yakuza remastered collection ps4