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Appendix 1 assembles parking regulations and practice policies in selected cities in the Austin-Round Rock Metropolitan Statistical Area.UFL is an upcoming free-to-play online football league game that is expected to launch on all major console platforms (release date to be announced soon). Finally, the report provides an annotated bibliography of TOD-Parking studies. Based on the review findings it then presents a matrix of best parking practices for TOD. The report first offers a narrative review of the published works on TOD-Parking. The main objective of this study is to report the state-of-the-knowledge on parking regulations and practice influencing the planning, design, and implementation of TOD. There are few studies of the topic on Texas cities. Getting the parking right is essential to ensure the desirable form and functionality of TOD. The conventional parking policies likely produce excessive parking, undermining the expected community benefits of TOD and could even cause the TOD initiative to fail. One major challenge to implementing these TOD-type strategies is parking. Increasingly MPOs in Texas are incorporating Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) or similar concepts into their long-range plans for the purpose of achieving sustainable transportation. The adoption of integrated passenger information technologies is currently in the development phases and integration of this technology will not begin until 2012. Using alternative funding sources faces legal constraints due to the current contractual agreements as well as approval from the University Board of Regents. F indings: Overall, the University of Texas at Austin Shuttle Bus Program meets all of the components of the practical ideal type model with the exception of utilization of alternative funding sources and the adoption of integrated passenger information technologies. The evidence collected from the interview and document analysis will be compiled into a best practice for universities to follow. Based on these practical ideal type components, a focused interview and document analysis will conducted to gauge the current program's utilization of these components. The practical idea type includes the following key categories: (1) operations model, (2) funding model, (3) scope of service model, and (4) environmental responsiveness model. Methodology: To achieve this purpose, university transit program best practices are identified from the review of literature and a practical ideal type model is developed.

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Purpose: The purpose of this research project is to develop a practical ideal type model for university transit programs and to gauge the University of Texas at Austin's Shuttle Bus Program against the practical ideal type model.

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